My Garden

My Garden

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Still Waiting

So it has been a torturous week now waiting each day on baited breath for my packet of information from Feingold to arrive.  I must say they seem to be taking their own sweet time.  Patience has never been one of my natural virtues (do you think the diet can fix this character flaw too?)  I don't dare go shopping for fear I will freeze in the isle and suddenly lose my ambition and grab for anything that tastes good and looks pretty.   I certainly don't want to buy food that I will have to throw out because it is not on the list.  I truly haven't set foot in a grocery store for about two weeks now.  We are all starving and my husband is getting particularly cranky.  Thank goodness we have a nice garden with a few choices for food.

We went camping this weekend with some friends.  I asked Sheldon (my husband) to pick up a few things after work for snackage.  I told him to get a certain brand of chips that are on the "can have" list.  He didn't find the brand of chips listed but found some that seemed to fit the criteria.  He commented on how hard it was to find anything without food dyes, artificial flavors, or BHT preservatives.  I'm already feeling overwhelmed for the big shopping day with list in hand of appropriate foods.  It better come soon though or we will resort to eating Ramen noodles and Mac and Cheese. Heaven forbid.  After camping, we all came home feeling sick.  I'm not sure if it was the lack of sleep, the homemade rootbeer (with food dye and artificial flavors) the kids guzzled, the fried chicken, or the flue?  Maybe a combinations of all this and more.

Just as my resolve was at its wits end and I was feeling like pulling the plug on this whole healthy lifestyle of food, I was given this little scripture.  Explanation: each day my browsers homepage takes me to a great website called  It is a randomly generated bible scripture that is given to you each time you click the bible.  It is uncanny how often it gives me a scripture I particularly need for that very moment.  The scripture  today was 1 Corinthians 6:19-20  It says:  "What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which you have of God, and ye are not your own.  For ye are bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's."  Now you can call it a crazy coincident or God speaking directly to me.  You be the judge.

I remembered this dream my husband had.  He is often a visionary man.  I don't remember the details because it wasn't my dream but it went something like this.  He was given a beautiful bottle of something to drink.  He commented that it was packaged very enticingly.  It looked fun and exciting and seemed tempting to partake of.  When he opened the bottle and started to drink, it was black motor oil.  He remembered thinking how strange this was that it was packaged so deceptively.  We had a deep discussion about its possible meaning at that time and made connections to entertainment, music, movies, and food.  But this dream has taken on a very literal meaning to me now with this new food information I am learning about.
We truly are stewards of our bodies whether I care to admit it or not.  I stand corrected by God and have regained my resolve to take care of my self and family the best I know how.


  1. Hey Liza, I'm excited to follow your blog. I want to know more about this Feingold diet. . . can you give a better outline of what you will be eating and what you shouldn't be eating?

  2. Liza, I love your blog, I will be following you along your journey.
    I am very interested in this diet and would like to learn more.
    You are a lover of learning!

  3. So the list of the main bad guys to look for are:
    Food dyes- Artificial colors
    Artificial flavors
    Artificial sweeteners
    Preservatives (BHT, BHA, TBHQ)
    Aspirin (or medicine with aspirin in it)
    Natural Salicylates which include many fruits, tomatoes, almonds, and a few veggies. (this is going to be the hard part for me)
    The nice thing is, after a month you can slowly bring these natural foods back in your diet and watch for a reaction. If there is no reaction you can eat it forever more.
