Trying to keep up with everything is like running a race and realizing you are already way past the finish line but still going full speed ahead. This is how life has been. A month without writing but experiencing joy beyond measure. Since starting the Feingold diet life has only gotten better. In fact, just the other day my husband said "Liza, I think I like you more now than I have ever liked you."
"I know!" I said, "I like me the most I've ever liked me too." three months of feeling no PMS! Who wouldn't love this?!
Was the outcome worth the effort up front? YES!!! I can't say enough about how grateful I am to have found something that has helped create such a powerful long term solution in my life. Feeling emotionally strong, and my children more emotionally settled has opened up more energy to focus on greater aspects of life.
An Observation: One Sunday the children were playing all afternoon together. A small miracle occurred. No one cried or got hurt all day. It was at the end of the day that I realized this was the very thing I had imagined while doing a manifestation meditation. I created in my mind more peace and harmony in my home. What I visualized was the children all playing and having fun together with harmony. This is what occurred that day several months after my manifestation. Gratitude and joy were felt.
We took the older children to New York last month. We stayed at my sister Rachel's house. (which was haunted with a "scary boy" as Abigail puts it :). Rachel gave me the most amazing ideas and recipes for more safe meals to add to my meal plan options (thanks Rachel). We were able to see the most beautiful scenery. Fall leaves back East was a dream come true for Sheldon.
We visited Palmyra, Hill Cumora, Sacred Grove, Smith farm, and EB Grandin building (where the first Book of Mormon was printed). We went to Niagara Falls- which was Isaac's life long dream (He's been obsessed with waterfalls since he was 3 years old and Niagara is the granddaddy of them all).
We have had a few great learning experience to truly see the effects food has on our behavior and emotions. Of course Halloween was a challenge. The smaller kids (Eli &Emma) had no self control and scarfed down all their candy. Annie had a small candy and Isaac had a Snickers bar. They then traded the rest of their candy in for money or a treasured item. Isaac opted for money while Annie opted for some white yarn :) (She is learning how to crochet and I am so impressed with her natural talent!) The next day when the kids came home from school. The first thing Isaac did was burst into tears. He said "I have had a terrible day. I couldn't think and I couldn't focus, now I have so much homework." He was angry with Annie for being alive and wondered when he would feel better. We had a great discussion about this and he commented on how he used to feel like this all the time and he is so glad he doesn't have to feel this way any more.
Annie, on the other hand, loves her reactions. She has expressed she likes being hyper. Last week we had a teaching opportunity with Annie. She left her lunch on the bus one day so ate school lunch. That night she was bouncing off the walls (literally). She had a hard time settling her body down to go to sleep. The next day she ate a doughnut at a church activity, the day after that some cookies. After a few days of a bad run and obnoxious, hyper, disobedient behavior we received an email from her teacher stating many concerns about Annie. She even had to move her to her own table so she would focus and stop bugging the other kids in class. We talked to Annie and found out that on top of all of this she had started eating school breakfast in order to stay in from morning recess (it became too cold and all of her friends eat breakfast). A great teaching discussion took place and she is now more motivated to eat real foods. I do love the kids having their own experiences and hope they learn to appreciate their calm state of feeling more than tempting food.
In my pursuit of cleansing my home from anything that isn't Feingold safe, I was given an amazing tip on some cleaning products that eliminate all household chemicals from my home and I can still sanitize my space. The company is called Norwex and they sell microfiber cloths embedded with a silver agent. The microfiber picks up 99.9% of all the germs on any surface and then the silver suffocates the germs which sanitizes the cloth. All I have to use is water to clean with now. No more breathing or absorbing chemicals. Because I fell in love with them I have decided to become a consultant. So running the race of life became even more exciting. I have been teaching classes on how these products work, the research that has been done with them, and making some fun income! :) Thus the long pause in writing. Some things have to give sometimes.
If you're interested in learning more about this here is my website:
A couple favorite quotes: Truth must dazzle gradually or every man be blind- Emily Dickinson
Be the change you wish to see in the world- Gandhi
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