My Garden

My Garden

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Will life ever slow down?

Will life ever slow down?  This has been my latest question.
I can't complain too much because this has been some of the nicest autumn weather I can remember here in Rexburg.  We are actually getting a cantaloupe and some cauliflower in our garden because of the nice warm weather and long growing season.  Our sunflowers have amazing heads too so we will be using a lot of seeds in our homemade granola (which is the easiest recipe I have ever seen and my kids love it).  I got it out of the Feingold Handbook recipe section.  I will pass it on for others to enjoy:  5 cups oats, 1/4 cup honey, 1/4 cup oil. Cook for 30 min. on 225 degrees.  I usually leave mine in longer because I like mine more crunchy.
I have been busy canning, harvesting, dehydrating... all my produce still.  I LOVE IT.

We've been hosting parties (free fishing on our neighborhood lake/pond), hiking, picnicking, and enjoying the weather.
 Today, the kids and I went on a picnic in the tree house on the island.  Emma kept saying how "Adorable" it was.  I think she meant to say how wonderful and fun it was like the other kids but no it was "Adorable" to her.  It was so nice to spend time with the kids relaxing and enjoying the weather.

I'm crazy busy doing energy work on people which I have a love/hate relationship with (not the people the energy work).  I love helping others but I hate how I have no time for anything else.  I have needed to find a balance in this.  I prayed for a dream the other night to help guide me in how to keep life in balance.  I asked for a message sent in a dream because it seems I have not had a moment to sit down to meditate and sleep is the only time I am still enough to receive.  I was given two really cool dreams that night and have made my peace with life and I have been able to manage my time more effectively this last week.  Thanks to The Divine for guidance.       

Blogs are a funny thing.  We often only talk about or share the beautiful and successful things of life.  In some ways we make life seem perfect or paint it to look perfect.  I am about to share the ugly truth of the past two weeks now.  Because we had been sailing along so smoothly with the new food program I decided to try some of the forbidden fruit back in.  I opted for some ripe juicy peaches I got from my sister's tree in Utah.  I gave one to Isaac and Annie as an after school snack.  I kept in mind to pay attention for any reactions.  Literally, one hour after I gave them the peach, Isaac jumped up and started running from the front door to the back door 3 times.  I asked, "Isaac, what are you doing?"  He yelled back, "I've just been sitting for too long."  The rest of the night he was agitated and emotional.  I was shocked at this obvious reaction.  We will be holding off on peaches for Isaac for a while.
On a personal note for me. I have had four very obvious reactions.  I think they have all been related to food colors (yes I was naughty a couple of times and ate a non approved treat.  One of the times I felt like I would have offended someone if I didn't eat and the other time I just had no self control -Cocoa Bean cupcakes- a slight weakness of mine)  I became irritable for no reason.  Certain people just started to bug me.  Yes a few of them were my children and a few of them were not (I am naming no names).  I became more snappy and impatient.  I had been feeling so calm and patient on this diet in fact I didn't even struggle with PMS this month which is a true miracle for me (my husband appreciated this immensely too).  The reactions were so clear to me.  I love getting to know myself better.  Its always fun to learn and understand myself.
Annie has also been sick the last few weeks.  I feel terrible about this because it went unchecked for so long.  She would come home sick and then perk up in a few days then crash again in a week and perk up.  She did this three times and I finally took her in and found out she had strep and a kidney infection.  I was shocked about the strep because she never complained of a soar throat.  We got her some medicine and she is now feeling much better.

All the kids are home for spud harvest for two whole weeks and while I love having them around it also complicates the daily schedule.  I'm not sure why we still get out of school for two weeks when none of the elementary children work in the potato fields.  We did go glean potatoes one year and it was a neat experience for the kids but that was one day not 14.  I'm sure I will survive these weeks and will be better for it :)            

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